I am trying to run a command with subproccess and the _thread modules. The subproccess has a stream of output. To combat this I used two threads, one constantly prints new lines and the other is checking for input. When I pass the subproccess input through proc.stdin.write('Some string')
it returns 1 and then I get no output. Communicate doesn't work as per most other questions I have read because it blocks waiting for the EOF although it does print the first line of the whatever was going to be returned. I saw a few solutions using 'pty' but it is not supported on Windows.
The file in the server folder is just a minecraft server if you want to try it yourself.
from subprocess import Popen,PIPE
import _thread
import sys
# asdf
proc = None
run = True
stdout = None
stdin = None
def getInput():
global proc
global run, stdin, stdout
print("Proc inside the get input funct"+str(proc))
inputs = input("Enter Something" + "\n")
print("YOU ENTERED:", inputs)
run = True
""" Works but blocks outputs """
# out,err=proc.communicate(bytes(inputs,'UTF-8'))
# proc.stdin.flush()
# print("Out is: "+out)
""" Doesn't write but doesn't block """
# test = 0
# test=proc.stdin.write(bytes(inputs,'UTF-8'))
# print(test)
# proc.stdin.flush()
def execute(command):
global proc, stdin, stdout
proc = Popen(command, cwd='C://Users//Derek//Desktop//server//',stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE,stderr=stdout, shell=True)
lines_iterator = iter(proc.stdout.readline, "")
print("Proc inside of the execute funct:"+str(proc))
# print(lines_iterator)
for line in lines_iterator:
# print(str(line[2:-1]))
# if line.decode('UTF-8') != '':
print(line[:-2].decode('UTF-8')), # yield line
threadTwo = _thread.start_new_thread(execute, (["java", "-jar", "minecraft_server.jar"], ))
while 1:
if run and proc!=None:
run = False
threadOne = _thread.start_new_thread(getInput, ( ))