Is it possible to set a row on a fixed position? For example, we have now a total row, and we always want the total on top, after sorting etc.
Is there a plugin for this?
We have tried to do this in the onLoadComplete by redrawing the whole table like so:
var rowIDs = $(this).getDataIDs();
var rowID, columnID;
for (rowID in rowIDs) {
for (columnID in data.rows[rowID]) {
$(this).addRowData(rowIDs[rowID], data.rows[rowID], (data.rows[rowID][columnID].first ? 'first' : null));
break; // Only do this for the first column
but that is bad for performance, we have thousands of rows.
after Oleg's comment:
The total row is just a row from our dataset. The dataset has this format:
Columns: 'Network', 'Clicks', 'Views'
data = [
'Network': {value:'Google'}, 'Clicks': {value:38392882}, 'Views':{value:3939922}
'Network': {value:'Sanoma'}, 'Clicks': {value:177883}, 'Views':{value:39293}
'Network': {value:'Total'}, 'Clicks': {value:993832732223}, 'Views':{value:3932293939}, 'first': true
So we set in our datarow which row we want to have on top ('first':true).
By processing, we use that to set in on top of the table. Hopefully this is more understandable :)
Thanks in advance,