This is in Word for MAC VBA. I want to save the Unicode character from a text box to text file. For example this character "⅛".
I use this code.
Dim N as Long
N = FreeFile
Dim strText as String
strText = Textbox1.Text 'This is what is in the textbox "⅛"
Open <file path> For Output As N
Print #N, strText
Close N
It does not save the Unicode character. I understand I have to change the text encoding format. How do I do that?
Likewise, how to read the text file with the Unicode format?
I hope this will fit VBA for Word on Mac as well, but on Windows I have the CreateTextFile method of the FileSystemObject (see MSDN doc). There I can define to create a unicode text file.
Set fsObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set xmlFile = fsObject.CreateTextFile("path/filename.txt", True, True) 'the second "true" forces a unicode file.
xmlFile.write "YourUnicodeTextHere"
VBA can't code text in UTF-8 this way. Use ADODB - yes, for text, not for database.
'ensure reference is set to Microsoft ActiveX DataObjects library
'(the latest version of it) under "tools/references"
Sub AdoTest()
Dim adoStream As ADODB.Stream
Set adoStream = New ADODB.Stream
'Unicode coding
adoStream.Charset = "Unicode" 'or any string listed in registry HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Charset
'open sream
'write a text
adoStream.WriteText "Text for testing: ěšč", StreamWriteEnum.stWriteLine
'save to file
adoStream.SaveToFile "D:\a\ado.txt"
End Sub
Reading is simplier, see my answer here:
Unicode and UTF-8 with VBA
Edited: I've inserted complete example.
Edited 2: Added refernce to list of coding in the registry