Dartlang with polymer character encoding

2019-01-27 06:24发布


I wrote a snippet and not working with national characters. The "A törzsszám"... text appear "törzsszám" with my loginstatus field.

Main html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="hu" xml:lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">


<polymer-element name="login-element" attributes="loginrow">
      <input type="text" value="{{torzsszam}}">
  <script type="application/dart" src="login.dart"></script>

..and the login.dart snippet:

class Login extends PolymerElement {
  bool loginned = false;
  @published String torzsszam = "";
  @published String password = "";
  @published String loginstatus = "-";


  void log_in_click() {
    loginned = false;
    if (torzsszam != "" ) {
      if (torzsszam.length>8) {

        loginstatus='A törzsszám legfeljebb 8 számjegyből áll!';
      } else {

What can I do...


A while ago I posted the code for a <safe-html> tag at HTML Tags Within Internationalized Strings In Polymer.dart (original form Bind content containing html tags)

Using this polymer element shows proper characters.

Your login.html would then look like:

<link rel="import" href="../packages/safe_html/safe_html.html">

<polymer-element name="login-element" attributes="loginrow">
      <input type="text" value="{{torzsszam}}">
      <span>(<safe-html model="{{loginstatus}}></safe-html>)</span>
  <script type="application/dart" src="login.dart"></script>


Ups,... I tried some solutions:

1.solution: change the encoding properties in login.dart from utf-8 to ISO-8859-2

2.solution: I created another file (consts.dart)

class consts {
  static String loginstatus_err8 = "A törzsszám legfeljebb 8 számjegyből áll!";  
  static String loginstatus_OK = "Belépve";  
  static String loginstatus_emptytorzsszam = "A törzsszámot ki kell tölteni";

I used this in login.dart, and it worked :) I'm happy.

      } else {
