I'm trying to read and write to the IIS 6 metabase using Inno Setup.
I can't figure out how to access arrays though.
IIS := CreateOleObject('IISNamespace');
Compr := IIS.GetObject('IIsCompressionScheme', 'localhost/W3SVC/Filters/Compression/deflate');
Arr := Compr.HcScriptFileExtensions;
{ ... [code to iterate and add items] here ... }
The metabase editor calls the object type I'm trying to access a "multi-string".
yields 0x200C as type (see http://www.jrsoftware.org/ishelp/topic_isxfunc_vartype.htm)
How can I work with such types of variables? Delphi supports something like
for I := VarArrayLowBound(Arr, 1) to VarArrayHighBound(Arr, 1) do
but Inno Setup doesn't. Or do I have to access the array completely via some OLE/COM-functions?
You can cast the Variant
to array of string
, read and write the array and then cast back:
VariantArray: Variant;
Count: Integer;
ArrayOfStrings: array of string;
I: Integer;
{ ... }
VariantArray := Compr.HcScriptFileExtensions;
{ Cast to array }
ArrayOfStrings := VariantArray;
{ Read the array }
Count := GetArrayLength(ArrayOfStrings);
Log(Format('Count = %d', [Count]));
for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
Log(Format('%d: %s', [I, ArrayOfStrings[I]]));
{ Modify the array (append element) }
SetArrayLength(ArrayOfStrings, Count + 1);
ArrayOfStrings[Count] := 'new string';
{ Cast back to the variant }
VariantArray := ArrayOfStrings;
Works in Unicode version of Inno Setup only. Probably because the Unicode Inno Setup is compiled with Delphi 2009 instead of Delphi 2 and 3, which likely has better Variant support. See also Upgrading from Ansi to Unicode version of Inno Setup (any disadvantages).
Inno does not provide full Delphi support, as far as I remember the scripting language is based on Free Pascal.
Try the following:
for I := 0 to GetArrayLength(myArray) - 1 do