how do I create a generic @mixin in sass for multiple values with comma ,
and user might not now know how many values would each include of mixin would have?
The user might want to place one shadow in some case and may be 5 shadows in some different css style, and with different values.
What is the best approach or do we have choices?.
text-shadow: 0 0 5pt white,
0 0 6pt white,
0 0 7pt white,
0 0 8pt white,
0 0 9pt white,
0 0 10pt white,
0 0 11pt white,
0 0 12pt white,
0 0 13pt white,
0 0 14pt white,
0 0 15pt white,
0 0 16pt white,
0 0 17pt white,
0 0 18pt white,
0 0 19pt white;
I need to have something like this:
@mixin textShadow($h-shadow:$baseUnit * 0, $v-shadow:$baseUnit * 0, $blur:$baseUnit * 2, $color:white)