In my Windows 8 Store Application, I tend to perform live video stream processing (Face detection for example).
Technique 1
In my previous Windows 7 application, I was able to use the following technique (Camera Face Detection in C# Using Emgu CV (OpenCV in .NET) and WPF) to perform live video processing. The technique was, having a fixed period timer callback, to actively query image buffer from camera object.
void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
Image<Bgr,Byte> currentFrame = capture.QueryFrame();
// Perform image processing based on currentFrame
Technique 2
Another technique I had used before in Android is that, I will install a camera buffer preview callback on camera itself. The camera will periodically trigger the callback, by passing along the captured camera buffer. From there, I can perform image processing.
public abstract void onPreviewFrame (byte[] data, Camera camera)
// Perform image processing based on data
However, in articles which talks about video processing for Windows 8 Store Application, they are mostly using built-in processing functions
- How to rotate captured video (Windows Store apps using C#/VB/C++ and XAML)
- How to add video stabilization effect to captured video (Windows Store apps using C#/VB/C++ and XAML)
None of them demonstrate how to access raw camera captured buffer, iterate the buffer pixel by pixel.
I believe I need to make use of CaptureElement & MediaCapture
according to
This method is great if you just want to see the webcam input or capture it to a file with no hassle. If you want to process the video in real time or overlay some other UI components – enter…
The CaptureElement & MediaCapture Way
However, the author doesn't elaborate more after that. (I hope he does so :)
Any hint how to perform live video stream processing from CaptureElement & MediaCapture?