
JS associative object with duplicate names

2019-01-27 03:56发布


ok, so I have an object like:

var myobject = {
   "field_1": "lorem ipsum",
   "field_2": 1,
   "field_2": 2,
   "field_2": 6

as you see there are duplicate names in the object, but with different values. If i go through it like (using jQuery):

$.each(myobject, function(key, value)

key - returns the correct key
myobject[key] - returns the name for that key
myobject[value] - returns the last elements', with that name, value

meaning for field_2 it will return 6, though it'll print it 3 times, as it repeats 3 times in the object.

My question is how to obtain the correct value for that duplicate named fields and not just the last one's

Thank you


That is not an array that is an object. You'd be better creating a property of the object that is an array and store the different values in there.

var myarray = {
   "field_1": "lorem ipsum",
   "field_array": []


then just loop through that property of the array.


  1. Your code has invalid syntax.
  2. There are no assocative arrays in Javascript
  3. The thing you defined is an Object
  4. If you give value to a property 3 times, sure it will contain the last value


var obj = {
   "field_1": "lorem ipsum",
   "field_2": 1,
   "field_2": 2,
   "field_2": 6

for ( var i in obj ) {
  console.log(i + " = " + obj[i]);


field_1 = lorem ipsum
field_2 = 6


You can't do this. The array key must be unique.

If you've got Firefox/Firebug installed (or similar in another browser), you can try it by entering this into the Firebug console:

var myarray = {
   "field_1": "lorem ipsum",
   "field_2": 1,
   "field_2": 2,
   "field_2": 6

Firebug will respond with:

field_1      "lorum ipsum"
field_2      6

in other words, it works, but each subsequent value specified for field_2 overwrites the previous one; you can only have one value for it at a time.

The closest you can get to what you want is to make field_2 an array in itself, something like this:

var myarray = {
   "field_1": "lorem ipsum",
   "field_2": [1,2,6]

If you do console.log now, you'll get this:

field_1      "lorum ipsum"
    0        1
    1        2
    2        6

Hope that helps.


The only way to get around it would be to either change the fields to unique identifiers, or something like:

var myarray = {
   "field_1": "lorem ipsum",
   "field_2": [
       {"value_1": 1},
       {"value_2": 2},
       {"value_3": 6}


It is not possible.

The resulting object does only contain 2 elements, the first and second field_2 elements are lost on creation.


Associative arrays do not exist in Javascript - what you have created is an Object using the JSON format.

I suspect that something like this will give you more what you are seeking, though I suggest questioning exactly what it is that you are trying to achieve..

The following code will allow you to access multiple instances of duplicated 'keys', but is

var myDataset = [
   { "field_1": "lorem ipsum" },
   { "field_2": 1 },
   { "field_2": 2 },
   { "field_2": 6 }

$.each(myDataset, function(valuePairIndex, value)
    $.each(myDataset[valuePairIndex], function(key, value1)
       var valuePair = myDataset[valuePairIndex];
       console.log(key + ' = ' + valuePair[key]);

//       console.log('key = ' + key);
//       console.log('valuePair[key] = ' + valuePair[key]);


The keys must be unique.


You're overwriting the same value several times.

What you want is probably something like:

var myarray = {
   "field_1": "lorem ipsum",
   "field_2": [1,2,6]

Which could be written in a manner similar to what you currently have:

var myarray = {};

myarray.field_1 = [];
myarray.field_1.push('lorem ipsum');
myarray.field_2 = [];

Note that I made field_1 an array as well, which - for consistency - I thought you might want.