My project has the following architecture :
My template is "report1.jrxml", then when i excute this code :
TableModel model = (TableModel) masterTable.getModel();
JRTableModelDataSource data = new JRTableModelDataSource(model);
String reportSource ="report1.jrxml";
try {
JasperReport jr = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(reportSource);
JasperPrint jp = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jr, null,data);
} catch (JRException ex)
Logger.getLogger(master.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
I get this error(I'm sorry for the french language, but is quite understandable :p):
Grave: null
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: report1.jrxml (Le fichier spécifié est introuvable)
at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.load(
at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.load(
at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager.compile(
at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReport(
at testjasper.master.jButton1ActionPerformed(
at testjasper.master.access$900(
at testjasper.master$FormListener.actionPerformed(
Netbeans says that the file can't be found , but as you can see in the screenshot, its exists ? How can I solve this "problem" ? rather, what's the problem ? My regards. :p