In our repository some files and folders are ignored. Of interest here are:
- Build output folders which contain (among others) some configuration files and external binary modules. Note that this means that those files of interest are located within already ignored folders ("bin" folders).
- Setup scripts which are placed along source code. Those scripts are ignored because they are programmer-specific (for example they contain paths to external libraries on local machine).
Yet I would like to trace those files for myself only. Mostly to recreate them easly after cleaning but there are other reasons as well.
How to achieve that?
There is already a similar question: Track files in local Git repo but ignore in remote. But it is only similar and thus answers proposed there are not applicable here:
- My ignored-to-be-tracked files are not placed in a single folder (and it would be impractical to place them so). They are in various places in entire tree. And they are quite sparse by the way. Only a few of them.
- Alternative branch cannot be used since I need those files all the time in various branches, not just after switching to that alternative branch.