I am writting web application using only angularjs. I am currently using Leaflet to display a map on a webpage. I am able to display a map succesfully with out any problems, I am also using leaflet.draw to draw a rectangle and to get all 4 coordinates.
Now, what I want to do is to do this same thing but offline. I want to user to be able to use this application without internet conectivity. I want to user to see America and Atlantic Ocean and be able to zoom in several levels. I dont need street view zoom, but something like state view zoom.
var map = L.map('map').setView([51.505, -0.09], 13);
L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tiles.mapbox.com/v3/MAPID/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '© <a href="http://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
Where can I get these map tile to download? In other words, is there a way I can just substite "'http://{s}.tiles.mapbox.com/v3/MAPID/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'" with a path in my local computer.