I'm trying to learn C++ programming with wxWidgets and CodeBlocks (with MinGW) and earlier today I succeeded in installing the software (after some trouble) to my Windows 7 computer with the guidance given to me in this post:
wxWidget 2.8.12 not working in Codeblocks
Later on the same day, I did the exact same steps on another Windows 7 machine and after creating a wxWidgets project and trying to compile and run it I got the following errors:
\wxWidgets-2.9.4\include: No such file or directory
\wxWidgets-2.9.4\lib\gcc_lib\mswu: No such file or directory
I have checked and these folders really do exist on those locations...so what seems to be the problem here again?...on the earlier post user asanth kumar guided me that if the steps given in the guide don't get the job done, then I'm missing an important compiler search path in my build options.
Ok, so what do I do? Where do I enter the search path? What is the search path, etc. I'm very new with wxWidgets and CodeBlocks so I don't know very much terminology. If anyone should know what to do, could you please give me like step by step instruction what to do e.g. like Click Project --> Build options --> ... and so on
I have used the latest CodeBlocks (12.11) and wxWidgets (2.9.4) installers
Thank you for any help :)
here is the build log: (I'm using CodeBlocks 12.11 and wxWidgets 2.9.4)
-------------- Build: Debug in TEST (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler)---------------
windres.exe -I"C:\Users\Jonne\Omat ohjelmat\wxWidgets-2.9.4\include" -I"C:\Users\Jonne\Omat ohjelmat\wxWidgets-2.9.4\lib\gcc_lib\mswu" -J rc -O coff -i C:\Users\Jonne\DOCUME~1\CODEBL~1\TEST\resource.rc -o obj\Debug\resource.res
gcc: error: ohjelmat\wxWidgets-2.9.4\include: No such file or directory
gcc: error: ohjelmat\wxWidgets-2.9.4\lib\gcc_lib\mswu: No such file or directory
windres.exe: preprocessing failed.
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
3 errors, 0 warnings (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
Here is also a picture where you can see Build options, global variables and build log on my CodeBlocks:
NOTICE FUTURE READERS: Install wxWidgets to a directory without whitespace in the path name. The problems in this post was because the directory path had spaces in it