OpenCL code 'Error MSB3721' for Intel Open

2019-01-27 00:27发布


I am currently using Intel's OpenCL SDK platform for heterogeneous parallel programming (OpenCL). I am using Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate for this. My system doesn't have any GPU in it. I have worked on CUDA SDK platform for opencl programming. This the first time I am using Intel's OpenCL SDK for opencl programming.

I have tried some basic platform, device, context identifying/creating/defining codes from 'OpenCL in Action' book. They all worked fine. So we can consider that visual studio is properly configured.

Now, I am trying to build a 'Hello World' program in visual studio which gives me following error:

Error MSB3721: The command ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\OpenCL SDK\3.0\bin\x86\ioc32.exe" -cmd=build -input="E:\Menu\Google\programs\1code\feb\10feb2014\OpenCL\OpenCL\" -output="Debug\hello.out" -VS -device=CPU -simd=default -bo=" "" exited with code -1073741511. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\BuildCustomizations\IntelOpenCL.targetS

Now my questions are:

  1. What is the significance of this 'Error MSB3721'?

  2. Is this a programming related error or something is wrong with the 'OpenCL + Visual Studio' configuration?

I am trying to be as specific as possible in this question. Let me know if I have not providing enough information and help me out. I really appreciate your concern.


I don't know what it is, but i had the same problem when there was some *.cl file in my project. Just remove it from project (not from disk)! Anyway you will be able to read your source from this *.cl file, but when this file presents in project it causes en error. I don't know why.


I think the cause of the error is Intel codebuilder configuration or infinite loop in .cl file.

Please check if your error can be resolved by below two changes.

  1. If you build your project as the Codebuilder project (e.g. Empty Opencl Project for Windows), 1-1. Right click your project and select properties

    1-2. Select OpenCL Code Builder tab

    1-3. If your device is configured as Intel(R) CPU (-device=CPU), then change it to your GPU device (e.g. Intel(R) Graphics (-device=GPU) in my case)

  2. If you face the same error, then check if your .cl file contains the infinite loop such as while(1) or for(;;)