I have an Excel VBA macro that
- opens IE,
- navigates to the Medicare website,
- logs me in,
- compares the claims listed on the website with those already in the workbook
- alerts me to any differences
It is during the log-in step that I have a problem, so I've reproduced that portion of the code below. As soon as the .click
line is executed a pop-up window appears asking the user to click the OK button in order to proceed. Macro execution is suspended until I manually click the OK button on the pop-up.
The source code behind the http://www.mymedicare.gov web page has information relative to the pop-up, but I haven't been able to figure out how to use it so that I can programmatically click the pop-up OK button.
Any help in terms of figuring out how to programmatically click the pop-up's OK button would be much appreciated.
note: For the purpose of this question, any user id and password can be used. If you handle the pop-up you'll be passed to a page that says something like incorrect user id / password.
That will indicate that you've been successful in handling the pop-up.
Sub Medicare_Claims()'
' Update the status bar
Application.StatusBar = "Running the Medicare Claims subroutine"
' Open the "MyMedicare web page
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With ie
.Visible = True
.Navigate "https://www.mymedicare.gov/"
End With
' Loop until the page is fully loaded
Do Until ie.ReadyState = 4 And Not ie.Busy
' Log-in
ie.Document.all.Item("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ctl00_HomePage_SWEUserName").Value = "abcde"
ie.Document.all.Item("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ctl00_HomePage_SWEPassword").Value = "12345"
' Loop until the page is fully loaded
Do Until ie.ReadyState = 4 And Not ie.Busy
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:15"))
' Navigate further to the Search Claims" web page
ie.Navigate "https://www.mymedicare.gov/searchclaims.aspx"