When I run the following query [SELECT DATENAME(MONTH,GETDATE())], ideally speaking it should return value as 'September' but its returning value as '09'. I am running this query on MS SQL Server 2005. Is there anything I need to configure with MS SQL Server 2005?
Please find the details of the SQL Server 2005
Component Name Version
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.1399.00
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 2005.090.1399.00
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2000.086.3959.00 (srv03_sp2_rtm.070216-1710)
Microsoft MSXML 2.6 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0.3790.3959
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727.42
Operating System 5.2.3790
SELECT @@LANGUAGE -> gives an Asian one?
SET LANGUAGE us_english
DATENAME depends on language, so need to change server default or your login default language...
Thank you and sayonara...
Hmmmm, I get "September", SqlServer 2005 9.00.3402.
Nope, SELECT DATENAME(month, GETDATE()); returns September for me. I just tried it in SQL 2005 and 2008. Where are you executing this query? That may help as to why this is happening to you.
The only thing I can think of would be collation causing that, but I can't find any specific examples of a collation that would do that. The other possibility could be the language which also sets date format. I'm a bit mystified, but these are places to start.
Try running:
select name ,alias, dateformat
from syslanguages
where langid =
(select value from master..sysconfigures where comment = 'default language')
To see what language the system thinks it's using. SqlServer changes its date format based on that.