For Java there are external report generation tools like extent-report,testNG. The Junit produces the xml format output for individual feature file. To get a detailed report, I don't see an option or wide approach or solution within the Behave framework.
How to produce the reports in Behave, do any other tools or framework needs to be added for the report generation in Behave?
Because my automations which using behave are all running on Jenkins so I can use the Jenkins plugin to display my junit report.
I think this question might help you:
How can I generate an HTML report for Junit results?
You can use your junit result from behave and follow some of the top answers in this question.
BTW, if you would like to use jenkins and if you need 'good-looking' html report of behave, I would suggust you to make behave generating json output for you and display the json output using reporter of cucumber.
You can generate Allure report for your Behave tests.
First you need to install Allure Behave formatter:
$ pip install allure-behave
Then specify the formatter when run your tests:
$ behave -f allure_behave.formatter:AllureFormatter -o %allure_result_folder% ./features
This will generate JSON report to %allure_result_folder%
. Then, to view HTML report you can use Allure Command line (plugins for Jenkins/TeamCity/Bamboo also available)
$ allure serve %allure_result_folder%
For more details about Allure report you can see the docs.
Behave can also generate reports in jUnit XML format. You can enable this feature simply by adding --junit to the commandline [1]. More info about formatters and reporters here [2].
$ behave --junit
I know this question was asked/answered quite sometime ago.
But I thought of giving the solution which worked for me.
The Cucumber json schema differs from Behave ones. So you can't use the json created by behave to generate html reports using Cucumber Reports plugin. When I tried behave json with cucumber reports, this is what I got and you would also see NPE for uri since cucumber json was expecting to have uri exists but the behave json doesn't have uri hence NPE.
`[CucumberReport] Processing 1 json files:
[CucumberReport] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/behave-test/builds/14/cucumber-html-
[CucumberReport] Missing report result - report was not successfully completed
[CucumberReport] Build status is left unchanged`
You would see report was not successfully completed.
So I installed behave2cucumber to convert behave json into cucumber json.
pip install behave2cucumber
Then have an additional step like below.
python -m behave2cucumber -i behave_json.json -o cucumber_json.json
-i represents input file in our case json file generated by behave
-o represents output file in our case cucumber compatible json file
cucumber_json.json would have the uri field populated which were missing behave json.
It works like charm.
Hope it helps.