I'm trying to code my own RewritePolicy in Log4j2. The documentation states that :
RewritePolicy is an interface that allows implementations to inspect
and possibly modify LogEvents before they are passed to Appender.
RewritePolicy declares a single method named rewrite that must be
implemented. The method is passed the LogEvent and can return the same
event or create a new one.
Here's my java class :
public final class MarkerInjectorRewritePolicy implements RewritePolicy {
public LogEvent rewrite(final LogEvent event) {
final Marker marker = event.getMarker();
if (marker == null)
return event;
// If there's a Marker, add it to the ThreadContextMap so the RoutingAppender can properly routes log messages
event.getContextMap().put("_marker", marker.getName());
return event;
Here's my yaml configuration file :
- name: foo
value: bar
However I have no idea how to inject it in my configuration file. How can I make it work at runtime?
Your custom rewrite policy should be coded as a log4j2 plugin. This enables you to configure your custom RewritePolicy in a RewriteAppender.
@Plugin(name = "InjectMarkerPolicy", category = "Core",
elementType = "rewritePolicy", printObject = true)
public final class MarkerInjectorRewritePolicy implements RewritePolicy {
public LogEvent rewrite(final LogEvent event) {
final Marker marker = event.getMarker();
if (marker == null)
return event;
// If there's a Marker, add it to the ThreadContextMap
// so the RoutingAppender can properly routes log messages
// event's context map is immutable, so need to make a copy...
Map<String, String> mdc = new HashMap<>(event.getContextMap());
mdc.put("_marker", marker.getName());
LogEvent result = new Log4jLogEvent(event.getLoggerName(), event.getMarker(),
event.getLoggerFqcn(), event.getLevel(), event.getMessage(),
event.getThrown(), mdc, event.getContextStack(),
event.getThreadName(), event.getSource(), event.getTimeMillis());
return result;
Example config (TODO: set correct value for packages attribute):
<Configuration status="trace" packages="my.rewritepolicy.plugin.package">
<Console name="STDOUT">
<PatternLayout pattern="[%-5level] %c{1.} %m%n"/>
<Rewrite name="Rewrite">
<InjectMarkerPolicy />
<AppenderRef ref="STDOUT"/>
<Root level="trace">
<AppenderRef ref="Rewrite"/>
Don't forget the Factory Method for your plugin or it will fail to start:
public static MarkerInjectorRewritePolicy createPolicy() {
return new MarkerInjectorRewritePolicy();
here's a working example on my github account: https://github.com/sercasti/Log4j-RewriteAppender/