Is there, in Excel, a Formula that retrieve the ColorIndex (or RGB) of a cell?
I found the follwing function:
CELL(info_type, the_cell)
documented here, but it does not have any reference information for cell color.
The is a color
info, but it's useless for me.
In fact, it is described as follows:
The value 1 if the cell is formatted in color for negative values; otherwise returns 0 (zero).
Any idea?
Also, I turned out that the VBA property that do this is Cell.Interior.Color
but actually I'm not using Macros, but simple Excel formulas. Is there maybe a way to emulate VBA functions with a formula?
Here are some small functions for you. From your sheet, press Alt-F11 to reach the VBA editor, insert a new module, paste the below code, go back to your worksheet and use them by their names, like in =FillColor(A1)
The first two are the promised "3-liners" giving decimal values for font and background colors - not very useful though
The second pair converts the decimal number to RGB and returns a string of format N, N, N
The third pair are array formulas - select 3 cells in a row, enter the formula and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to obtain numeric RGB values in 3 neighboring cells
Function FillColor(Target As Range) As Variant
FillColor = Target.Interior.Color
End Function
Function FontColor(Target As Range) As Variant
FontColor = Target.Font.Color
End Function
Function FillColorRGB(Target As Range) As Variant
Dim N As Double
N = Target.Interior.Color
FillColorRGB = Str(N Mod 256) & ", " & Str(Int(N / 256) Mod 256) & ", " & Str(Int(N / 256 / 256) Mod 256)
End Function
Function FontColorRGB(Target As Range) As Variant
Dim N As Double
N = Target.Font.Color
FontColorRGB = Str(N Mod 256) & ", " & Str(Int(N / 256) Mod 256) & ", " & Str(Int(N / 256 / 256) Mod 256)
End Function
Function FillColorRGBArray(Target As Range) As Variant
Dim N As Double, A(3) As Integer
N = Target.Interior.Color
A(0) = N Mod 256
A(1) = Int(N / 256) Mod 256
A(2) = Int(N / 256 / 256) Mod 256
FillColorRGBArray = A
End Function
Function FontColorRGBArray(Target As Range) As Variant
Dim N As Double, A(3) As Integer
N = Target.Font.Color
A(0) = N Mod 256
A(1) = Int(N / 256) Mod 256
A(2) = Int(N / 256 / 256) Mod 256
FontColorRGBArray = A
End Function
A word of caution: changing the color of a cell does not start recalculation by the above functions/formulas, as recoloring a cell in general is not supposed to drive recalculation. You have to manually start a full recalculation using Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9
The following function will display the RGB value of a selected cell.
Function CellColorValue(CellLocation As Range)
Dim sColor As String
'Retrieve hex value into string sColor
sColor = Right("000000" & Hex(CellLocation.Interior.Color), 6)
'Return the string Version e.g. 255,255,255 RGB color value found in
'Excel cell. Use in built worksheet function to convert Hex to Decimal
'Use string function to separate Hex string into three parts
CellColorValue = Application.WorksheetFunction.Hex2Dec(Right(sColor, 2)) & "," & application.WorksheetFunction.Hex2Dec(Mid(sColor, 3, 2)) & "," & Application.WorksheetFunction.Hex2Dec(Left(sColor, 2))
End Function
please try with below
Changes made : see the comment in code
Public Function Performance_Message(NonPreferredAvg As Single _
, NonPreferredAvgname As String _
, PreferredAvg As Single _
, PreferredAvgname As String _
, Optional Outputtype As String _
) As Variant
Dim performancemessage As String
Dim averagedifference As Single
Dim stravgdif As String
Dim cellcolor As String
averagedifference = Abs(NonPreferredAvg - PreferredAvg)
stravgdif = FormatPercent(averagedifference, 2)
Select Case PreferredAvg
Case Is < NonPreferredAvg
performancemessage = PreferredAvgname & " Is " & stravgdif & " Less Than " & NonPreferredAvgname
cellcolor = 4 '"green" 'Changes made
Case Is = NonPreferredAvg
performancemessage = PreferredAvgname & " Equals " & NonPreferredAvgname
cellcolor = 6 '"yellow" ''Changes made
Case Is > NonPreferredAvg
performancemessage = PreferredAvgname & " Is " & stravgdif & " Greater Than " & NonPreferredAvgname
cellcolor = 5 '"blue" 'Changes made
Case Else
performancemessage = "Something Bad Happened"
End Select
If Outputtype = "color" Then
Performance_Message = cellcolor
Performance_Message = performancemessage
End If
End Function
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim myColor As Double
myColor = Target.Value ''Changes made
Call SetPerformancecolor(Target, myColor)
End Sub
Private Sub SetPerformancecolor(Target As Range, myColor As Double)
Target.Interior.ColorIndex = myColor ''Changes made
End Sub