Hello I am new to swift and IOS programming. I have set up 6 notifications that are supposed to alert the user 6 times a day depending on the time of day. The alerts are working but for some reason when the app first launches all 6 alerts show up in the notification center at the same time. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
this is the code in the AppDelegate.swift
func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
// Override point for customization after application launch.
let notificationTypes : UIUserNotificationType = UIUserNotificationType.Alert | UIUserNotificationType.Badge
let notificationSetting : UIUserNotificationSettings = UIUserNotificationSettings(forTypes: notificationTypes, categories: nil)
return true
this is my function for the six different notifications
func prayerAlert (prayerName : String, prayHour : Int, prayMinute : Int) {
dateComp.year = Int(currentDate.year)
dateComp.month = Int(currentDate.month)
dateComp.day = Int(currentDate.day)
dateComp.hour = prayHour
dateComp.minute = prayMinute
dateComp.timeZone = NSTimeZone.systemTimeZone()
var calender : NSCalendar = NSCalendar(calendarIdentifier: NSGregorianCalendar)!
var date : NSDate = calender.dateFromComponents(dateComp)!
var notification : UILocalNotification = UILocalNotification()
notification.alertBody = prayerName
notification.fireDate = date
and this is where I'm calling the function in the ViewDidLoad
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
if CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled() {
self.locationManager.delegate = self
self.locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyNearestTenMeters
var timesArray = pray.getDatePrayerTimes(currentDate.year, andMonth: currentDate.month, andDay: currentDate.day, andLatitude: locationManager.location.coordinate.latitude, andLongitude: locationManager.location.coordinate.longitude, andtimeZone: pray.timeZone)
var convertedTime = convertPrayArray(timesArray as NSMutableArray)
prayerAlert("Time for Fajr", prayHour: convertedTime.hourArray[0], prayMinute: convertedTime.minuteArray[0])
prayerAlert("Time for SunRise", prayHour: convertedTime.hourArray[1], prayMinute: convertedTime.minuteArray[1])
prayerAlert("Time for Dhuhr", prayHour: convertedTime.hourArray[2], prayMinute: convertedTime.minuteArray[2])
prayerAlert("Time for Asr", prayHour: convertedTime.hourArray[3], prayMinute: convertedTime.minuteArray[3])
prayerAlert("Time for Maghrib", prayHour: convertedTime.hourArray[5], prayMinute: convertedTime.minuteArray[5])
prayerAlert("Time for Isha", prayHour: convertedTime.hourArray[6], prayMinute: convertedTime.minuteArray[6])