I am new to android and developing a navigation based application for android.My question is I want to show a route with multiple way-points between source and destination node in Google maps and I don't know how to do it. I have search for this but most of the results are for two points.
Please help me to solve my problem
e.g:- when app user submits the destination with some way-points the map should display the route from the source to destination with those way-points on the phone.
Thanks !
I don't think the Maps intent offers those capabilities, but you do have some other options
Better but more work
1)Create your own map activity that displays routes for multi-location(using a mapview and overlays). Here is an example of how to convert the kml file to a route
Quicker and Easier
2)Create a simple webview (or you can just intent a new one with a given url) and dynamically build the url for a google maps api request with waypoints. See Google's website for documentation on getting a map with routes via waypoints.
"I have search for this but most of the results are for two points." You already found everything you need to do this.
For this, you're not "drawing through the waypoints along the way," you're actually going to have to draw a route between 2 points for each waypoint you have:
IE. You want to get from point A to point D, and on the way there are points B and C. The solution is to draw a route from A to B, B to C, and finally C to D.
You can use the map intent like this:
String address = "http://maps.google.com/maps?daddr=" + "Latitude" + "," + "Longitude" + "+to:" +"Latitude" + "," + "Longitude";
Intent intent = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(address));
in this case the start point will be your current location and you can add as many intermediate points as you want using "+to:"