In my controller action, I have the following:
def index
@articles = (params[:mine] == "true") ? current_user.articles :[:search])
@articles = @articles.sort! { |a,b| b.created_at <=> a.created_at }
@articles = Kaminari.paginate_array(@articles).page(params[:page]).per(25)
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render json: @articles }
And in the model:
if search.present?
where("category LIKE ? OR article_type LIKE ?", "%#{search}%","%#{search}%")
I understand that SQL injection would be possible if you use params directly in a query. Here, I'm passing params directly to the where query through[:search])
. Is this prone to SQL injection? If it is, how can I make it more secure? I also have my doubts if I've written the controller code properly. If you have suggestions in refactoring the controller code, please do let me know and they'll be very much appreciated. Thanks a lot!
For your query, you should try to use the methods provided by ActiveRecord
or go through Arel
itself (your current method is fine though). This will ensure your SQL is properly escaped. If you don't want to go into details of Arel
right now, you can use gems like squeel or meta_where (for older rails).
I highly recommend these gems for most of your query building needs. Anything more advanced you can write out directly using Arel
I can't recall, if you can do matches
) directly out in basic ActiveRecord.where
syntax, without the help of gem, yet. But you can definitely do this directly in Arel
articles = Article.arel_table
articles = articles[:category].matches("%#{search}%").
At this point you can do a to_a
on articles
or use to_sql
and pass this to your Article
model using find_by_sql
Article.find_by_sql articles.to_sql
will_paginate has a paginate_by_sql
method, and I would assume kaminari
would have one as well (or at least I would think it would).
As for your controller code, I would pass any type of sorting option off to the database (this goes for your pagination as well), if you possibly can.
articles.sort('`articles`.created_at DESC')
The method your using now will grab "ALL" the [allowed] records then sort, then give back your per_page
limit. Which kind of defeats the purpose of paginating at all, in this case.
At a minimum, try to refactor your current setup as:
@articles = (params[:mine] == "true") ? current_user.articles :[:search])
@articles = @articles.sort('`articles`.created_at DESC').page(params[:page]).per(25)
As long as your passing around an ActiveRelation
you can bind additional stuff to this due to the way Rails lazyloads it's queries to the database.