I tried to run the following command on the command-line:
G:\Weka-3-6>java weka.core.converters.CSVLoader data.csv > data.arff
This is the error message:
---Registering Weka Editors---
Trying to add database driver (JDBC): RmiJdbc.RJDriver - Error, not in CLASSPATH?
Trying to add database driver (JDBC): jdbc.idbDriver - Error, not in CLASSPATH?
Trying to add database driver (JDBC): org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver - Error, not in CLASSPATH?
Trying to add database driver (JDBC): com.mckoi.JDBCDriver - Error, not in CLASSPATH?
Trying to add database driver (JDBC): org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver - Error, not in CLASSPATH?
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.util.Hashtable.<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Hashtable.<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Properties.propertyNames(Unknown Source)
at weka.core.ProtectedProperties.<init>(ProtectedProperties.java:55)
at weka.core.Attribute.<init>(Attribute.java:215)
at weka.core.converters.CSVLoader.readHeader(CSVLoader.java:744)
at weka.core.converters.CSVLoader.readStructure(CSVLoader.java:416)
at weka.core.converters.CSVLoader.getStructure(CSVLoader.java:401)
at weka.core.converters.CSVLoader.getDataSet(CSVLoader.java:434)
at weka.core.converters.AbstractFileLoader.runFileLoader(AbstractFileLoader.java:323)
at weka.core.converters.CSVLoader.main(CSVLoader.java:804)
I do see that it speaks something about adding the database drivers to the classpath. What are the steps in adding the database drivers to the classpath? Also, would I need additional software packages?