Hello I am trying to get all FUNCTIONS name from all CONTROLLERS in Codeigniter
Well I am able to get all CONTROLLER names in array but am failed to get all functions of all controllers. I only get functions names of current controller in which I am writing the function.
I am fetching function names by $class_methods=get_class_methods(new classname());
If I tried it globally I get directory error.
For avail list of all controller with its method use this library:
if (!defined('BASEPATH'))
exit('No direct script access allowed');
* File: (Codeigniterapp)/libraries/Controllerlist.php
* A simple library to list all your controllers with their methods.
* This library will return an array with controllers and methods
* The library will scan the "controller" directory and (in case of) one (1) subdirectory level deep
* for controllers
* Usage in one of your controllers:
* $this->load->library('controllerlist');
* print_r($this->controllerlist->getControllers());
* @author Peter Prins
class ControllerList {
* Codeigniter reference
private $CI;
* Array that will hold the controller names and methods
private $aControllers;
// Construct
function __construct() {
// Get Codeigniter instance
$this->CI = get_instance();
// Get all controllers
* Return all controllers and their methods
* @return array
public function getControllers() {
return $this->aControllers;
* Set the array holding the controller name and methods
public function setControllerMethods($p_sControllerName, $p_aControllerMethods) {
$this->aControllers[$p_sControllerName] = $p_aControllerMethods;
* Search and set controller and methods.
private function setControllers() {
// Loop through the controller directory
foreach(glob(APPPATH . 'controllers/*') as $controller) {
// if the value in the loop is a directory loop through that directory
if(is_dir($controller)) {
// Get name of directory
$dirname = basename($controller, EXT);
// Loop through the subdirectory
foreach(glob(APPPATH . 'controllers/'.$dirname.'/*') as $subdircontroller) {
// Get the name of the subdir
$subdircontrollername = basename($subdircontroller, EXT);
// Load the controller file in memory if it's not load already
if(!class_exists($subdircontrollername)) {
// Add the controllername to the array with its methods
$aMethods = get_class_methods($subdircontrollername);
$aUserMethods = array();
foreach($aMethods as $method) {
if($method != '__construct' && $method != 'get_instance' && $method != $subdircontrollername) {
$aUserMethods[] = $method;
$this->setControllerMethods($subdircontrollername, $aUserMethods);
else if(pathinfo($controller, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == "php"){
// value is no directory get controller name
$controllername = basename($controller, EXT);
// Load the class in memory (if it's not loaded already)
if(!class_exists($controllername)) {
// Add controller and methods to the array
$aMethods = get_class_methods($controllername);
$aUserMethods = array();
foreach($aMethods as $method) {
if($method != '__construct' && $method != 'get_instance' && $method != $controllername) {
$aUserMethods[] = $method;
$this->setControllerMethods($controllername, $aUserMethods);
// EOF
Save it in library folder
Than load this library into your controller
Now you will get all controller list with its method.
if you have any question please ask me.