For each row in my treeview, I want 4 image buttons next to each other. They will act like radio buttons, with only one being activateable at a time. Each button has an 'on' and 'off' image.
How do I do this? I figured out how to put images there, and how to put togglebuttons, but this seems to require some more effort as there is no pre-built cellrenderer that does what I want.
Basically what'd solve my problem is figuring out how to make an image in a gtk.treeview
clickable. any ideas?
Have a look at this ''. It shows you how to make a gtk.CellRendererPixbuf activatable, and able to connect to a click event signal.
cell = CellRendererPixbufXt()
cell.connect('clicked', func)
As pointed out this answer, or the reference given doesn't work as advertised. It's missing the do_activate method, which needs to emit the clicked signal. Once it's done that, then the cell.connect will work.
Sorry if this answer mislead anyone.
Here is a short version without kiwi
class CellRendererClickablePixbuf(gtk.CellRendererPixbuf):
__gsignals__ = {'clicked': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE,
def __init__(self):
self.set_property('mode', gtk.CELL_RENDERER_MODE_ACTIVATABLE)
def do_activate(self, event, widget, path, background_area, cell_area,
self.emit('clicked', path)
Here is what worked for me:
class CellRendererClickablePixbuf(gtk.CellRendererPixbuf):
gsignal('clicked', str)
def __init__(self):
self.set_property('mode', gtk.CELL_RENDERER_MODE_ACTIVATABLE)
def do_activate(self, event, widget, path, background_area, cell_area, flags):
self.emit('clicked', path)