I am trying to parse a youtube playlist field.
The URL is: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/664AA68C6E6BA19B?v=2
I need: Title, Video ID, and Default thumbnail.
I can easily get the title but I'm a little lost when it comes to the nested elements
$data = new DOMDocument();
foreach ($data->getElementsByTagName('entry') as $video)
$title = $video->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$id = ??
$thumb = ??
Here is the XML (I have stripped out the elements that are irrelevant for this example)
<entry gd:etag="W/"AkYGSXc9cSp7ImA9Wx9VGEk."">
<title>A GoPro Weekend On The Ice</title>
<media:thumbnail url="http://i.ytimg.com/vi/yk6wkfVNFQE/default.jpg" height="90" width="120" time="00:02:07" yt:name="default" />
I need the "videoid" and the "url" from thumbnail-default
Thank you!