I am writing JUnit Test case for a class which has two methods methodA,methodB. I would like to mock the call to the methodB from methodA in my test case I am using spy on the class which I am testing, but still the methodB gets executed.
here is the class
public class SomeClass
public Object methodA(Object object)
return object;
public Object methodB(Object object)
//do somthing
return object;
here is the test class
@RunWith( org.powermock.modules.junit4.legacy.PowerMockRunner.class )
public class SomeClassTest {
private SomeClass var = null;
public void setUp() {
var=new SomeClass();
public void tearDown()
var= null;
public void testMethodA_1()
throws Exception {
Object object =new Object();
SomeClass spy_var=PowerMockito.spy(var);
Object result = var.methodA(object);
The method B still gets the called though I have mocked it PLease suggest me a solution with the proper way of mocking the methodB call from methodA of the same class.