The following two scopes generate the same result, which syntax is preferable and is there any other difference?
scope :paid, lambda { |state| where(state: state) }
scope :paid, ->(state) { where(state: state) }
The following two scopes generate the same result, which syntax is preferable and is there any other difference?
scope :paid, lambda { |state| where(state: state) }
scope :paid, ->(state) { where(state: state) }
It's preferable, due to readibility reasons, to use new syntax ->
(introduced in Ruby 1.9) for single-line blocks and lambda
for multi-line blocks. Example:
# single-line
l = ->(a, b) { a + b }, 2)
# multi-line
l = lambda do |a, b|
tmp = a * 3
tmp * b / 2
end, 2)
It seems a community convention established in bbatsov/ruby-style-guide.
So, in your case, would be better:
scope :paid, ->(state) { where(state: state) }
is literal syntax, like "
. Its meaning is fixed by the language specification.
is a method just like any other method. It can be overridden, removed, overwritten, monkeypatched, intercepted, …
So, semantically, they are very different.
It is also possible that their performance is different. Kernel#lambda
will at least have the overhead of a method call. The fact that the execution engine cannot actually know what Kernel#lambda
does at runtime (since it could be monkeypatched) would also preclude any static optimizations, although I don't believe any existing Ruby execution engine statically optimizes lambda literals in any meaningful way.
There is no difference, both returns the same Proc
irb(main):033:0> lambda {|x| x*x}
=> #<Proc:0x007ff525b55b90@(irb):33 (lambda)>
irb(main):034:0> ->(x) {x*x}
=> #<Proc:0x007ff525b7e068@(irb):34 (lambda)>
In my opinion, ->
is more readable.