I have seen some code sample that put an entity framework connection string as a constructor argument when creating a new DbContext. But when I added a new ADO.NET entity data model into a project (database first), the DbContext only has one parameterless constructor.
Did I miss a step? What should I do to get that constructor?
Visual Studio 2012 targeting .net framework 4.5 entity framework 5.
As per Arthur Vickers' suggestion, I am extending the partial class to have a constructor that accepts connection string. In C# (very similar to hege's answer):
public partial class MyEFEntities
public MyEFEntities(string connectionstring)
: base(connectionstring)
Or in VB.Net:
Partial Public Class MyEFEntities
Public Sub New(ConnectionString As String)
End Sub
End Class
The new data model wizard adds a connection string to your config file and the code generation is setup to create a context with a parameterless constructor that then calls the base constructor with "name=foo" so that the connection string in the config file will be used.
If you want to explicitly pass a connection string to the constructor (instead of reading it from config) then you can use the fact that the context is a partial class to add that constructor. You could also modify the T4 code generation template to change the constructor that is generated.
if you want to change to code first use this :)
public class MyCustomDBContext : DbContext
public MyCustomDBContext()
: base(GetConnectionStringName())
public MyCustomDBContext(string connString) : base(connString)
I fixed this, to work how it used to with EF4, by changing the "Code Generation Strategy" to "Legacy ObjectContext"