New Xcode 4.4 is out and it should support literals like
@{ @"key" : obj }
@[obj1, obj2]
and it should also support @YES
and @NO
, which isn't working when targeting latest iOS 5 (and prior).
After compiling it show the error message:
Unexpected type name 'BOOL': expected expression
I know you can fix it by typing @(YES)
and @(NO)
. But I want to know the reason why it isn't working as expected.
The reason is Apple forgot the parentheses here:
#define YES (BOOL)1
This will be fixed in iOS 6 SDK:
#define YES ((BOOL)1)
In the meantime you must type @(YES)
This is useful for information about literals.
A commenter on this answer also points out:
There is one small thing I'd like to warn about. Literal bools are also not supported
because of this. However, a quick fix that I implemented was adding
this to the beginning of one of my common headers (in an iOS project)
#ifndef __IPHONE_6_0
#if __has_feature(objc_bool)
#undef YES
#undef NO
#define YES __objc_yes
#define NO __objc_no
@phix23s answer seems to be more to the point. You should accept that.
This was worth adding from comments:
It should be noted that this needs to be done after the #import . If one puts these #defines in their Prefix.pch, they should make sure to import Foundation earlier in the pch