System.Web.Helpers not found in VS2015

2019-01-26 07:21发布


I'm trying to add some JSON parsing to the C# code in VS2015 but I can't find:


as the MS documentation suggests. I've looked at other people's questions of a similar nature (almost all on earlier versions) and the answers all say to add it in the Assemblies / Framework dialog.

The problem is it doesn't appear in that dialog, nor do many of the other things I see people talking about.

I would really appreciate any help on fixing this.

Here is the list I have access to:

Edit: Added the Extensions window as well


This question is a bit old but here's a simple solution - Microsoft seemed to just move this library to a Nuget package called "microsoft-web-helpers". Installing that package seems to be equivalent to having the assembly.


You cannot find it because of the simple fact that's not part of the Framework assemblies (what you are looking at).

It's part of the Extensions assemblies, and, as posted here, you will find it under "Extensions" in the left-hand side of the dialog.


Old question but might still help someone.

You must install MVC 3 in order to have the System.Web.Helpers Extension on VS2015.

link to download:


I was wanting to work with JSON as well in an ASP.Net project using VS2015. I ended up here trying to find answers. Right about the time I finished reading the other answers on this post I noticed my project already had a reference to Newtonsoft.Json. Never heard of it before so I looked it up; I'm glad I did.

It was literally a one liner to Serialize a List<String> to JSON. You can pass in an Object so you should be able to serialize most any Object within reason.

Ultimately I didn't need to install MVC3 or reference System.Web.Helpers

Hope this helps!

NewtonSoft Serializing and Deserializing JSON