I am working with a complex MySQL database table that collects form data. I have simplified the layout in an example table called test below:
|FormID|FieldName| FieldValue |
| 1 | city | Houston |
| 1 | country | USA |
| 2 | city | New York |
| 2 | country |United States|
| 3 | property| Bellagio |
| 3 | price | 120 |
| 4 | city | New York |
| 4 |zip code | 12345 |
| 5 | city | Houston |
| 5 | country | US |
Through phpMyAdmin I need to make global updates to some tables, specifically I want to update all FieldValue entries to "United States of America" with the FieldName "country" that have the same FormID as the FieldName "city" and the FieldValue "Houston".
I can easily display these entries with a SELECT statement by either using a SUBQUERY or by using an INNER JOIN:
SELECT FieldValue
FROM test
IN (
FROM test
WHERE FieldName = "city"
AND FieldValue = "Houston"
AND FieldName = "country"
SELECT a.FieldValue
FROM test a
INNER JOIN test b ON a.FormID = b.FormID
WHERE a.FieldName = "country"
AND b.FieldName = "city"
AND b.FieldValue = "Houston"
However I try to compose my UPDATE statement I get some form of MySQL-error indicating that I cannot reference the same table in either a subquery or inner join or union scenario. I have even created a view and tried to reference this in the update statement, but no resolve. Does anyone have any idea how to help me?