Is there a quick way (i.e. one line) to dump a collection of variables "in" a structure, using the variable names as the structure fields? The "load" function basically does this but saving and loading to a temporary file seems ugly.
For example:
a = 'adsf'
b = rand(10);
x = var2struct(a,b)
or better yet:
x = var2struct(['a';'b'])
Also, what about the reverse (i.e. dumping the field values to the current scope as variables named after the fields)?:
Also, here's a related newsgroup thread.
Aside from using LOAD and SAVE, there is no built-in function that I know of to do this. However, you could just make your own functions, like so:
function s = var2struct(varargin)
names = arrayfun(@inputname,1:nargin,'UniformOutput',false);
s = cell2struct(varargin,names,2);
function struct2var(s)
cellfun(@(n,v) assignin('base',n,v),fieldnames(s),struct2cell(s));
Working from the base workspace, you can use these functions like so:
a = 'adsf'
b = rand(10);
x = var2struct(a,b);
clear a b
A couple notes:
If you would rather specify the arguments to var2struct
as the variable names instead of the variables themselves, here is an alternative function:
function s = var2struct(varargin)
values = cellfun(@(n) evalin('base',n),varargin,'UniformOutput',false);
s = cell2struct(values,varargin,2);
And you would use this from the base workspace as follows:
x = var2struct('a','b');
Unfortunately, you can only use this version of the function to get variables from the base workspace, not the workspace of a function.
One caveat with the struct2var
function above is that it will always create the variables in the base workspace, not the workspace of the function calling struct2var
. To create variables in a workspace other than the base, you would have to use this line in that workspace instead of calling struct2var
cellfun(@(n,v) assignin('caller',n,v),fieldnames(x),struct2cell(x));