Action Script Sleep function [duplicate]

2019-01-26 06:41发布


This question already has an answer here:

  • actionscript 3 sleep? 2 answers

Does actionscript 2.0/3.0 have an equivalent of c# sleep() ?


Not really. You could block (almost all) code execution with something like:

function sleep(ms:int):void {
    var init:int = getTimer();
    while(true) {
        if(getTimer() - init >= ms) {


But I don't see how could this be useful in flash. And, at the same time, anything like the above code is a very bad idea as the player will freeze and become unresponsive (and could also give a script timeout if you exceed the timeout limit, which is 15 by default).

If you merely want to delay the execution of a piece of code, you can use a Timer object or the setTimeout function. This will be non-blocking, though, so you'll have to use some kind of flag like TandemAdam suggested. It'll be brittle, at best.

Maybe there's a better approach for your problem, but it's not clear what are you trying to accomplish in your question.


You can implement a sleep function like this:

function sleep(counter: int, subsequentFunction: Function, args: Array): void
    if (counter > 0)
        callLater(sleep, [counter - 1, subsequentFunction, args]);
        callLater(subsequentFunction, args);

Call it with the function which should be processed after the pause.

// call trace('Hello') after 100 cycles
sleep(100, trace, ['Hello']);
// call myFunction() after 50 cycles
sleep(50, myFunction, []);

The advantage of this approach is that the UI is still responsive during the sleep.


No ActionScript/Flash Player does not have an equivalent to the c# sleep function. For one thing Flash does not use multiple Threads.

You would have to implement the functionality manually.

You could use a Boolean flag, that your code would only execute when true. Then use the Timer class, for the delay.