Building a WAR project with unzipped JAR dependenc

2019-01-26 06:23发布


I have two projects, my-lib and my-webapp. The first project is a dependency of my-webapp. Thus, when ask Maven2 to build my WAR, the my-lib JAR is added in the WEB-INF/lib/ directory of the web application.

However, I want to have the my-lib JAR unzipped directly in the WEB-INF/classes directory, exactly as if the my-lib sources were contained in the project my-webapp.

In others words, instead of having the following WAR content:

      ... (others third libraries)

I want to have that:

      my-lib files
      ... (others third libraries)

Is there a way to configure the my-webapp or the Maven2 war plugin to achieve that?


As blaufish's answer says, you can use the maven-dependency-plugin's unpack mojo to unpack an artifact. However to avoid the jar appearing in WEB-INF/lib, you need to not specify it as a dependency, and instead configure the plugin to unpack specific artifacts.

The following configuration will unpack the contents of into target/classes during the process-resources phase, even if the artifact is not defined as a dependency. Be careful when doing this though as there is potential to clobber your actual content, this can cause much debugging.



You can configure the maven-dependency-plugin to just do that, unpack instead of copying a jar as explained here.



The unpack mojo seems to be close to what you are aiming for. Not sure how to complete the entire flow you are proposing though.

(btw, I am doubtful if this a good idea. utility classes should go into jars, and the jars are put either in the WAR or io the EAR. Unpacking utility jars seems wrong)


I was able to use the unpack mojo as described above, plus I marked the dependency itself as "provided" (scope) to avoid duplicating the jar contents under WEB-INF/lib.


[Oops, just realized that you were using Maven. I don't delete this answer because it may come to the rescue of some Ant user. So there's no need to mod me down...]

How many times to I have to mention that Jar, War and Ear Ant tasks are subtasks of the Zip one? :-) If I remember correctly, something like this would do the trick:

<war dist="my-webapp.war">
    <zipgroupfileset dir="libs" includes="*.jar" prefix="WEB-INF/classes"/>

Also worth a trial is with src="mylib.jar" but I haven't tested this option.