How can I programmatically check whether my machine has internet access or not using C/C++, is it just a matter of pinging an IP? How does NIC do it ? I mean something like:
I am using Windows 7.
How can I programmatically check whether my machine has internet access or not using C/C++, is it just a matter of pinging an IP? How does NIC do it ? I mean something like:
I am using Windows 7.
If you work on Windows, just try this
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <wininet.h>
using namespace std;
int main(){
cout << "connected to internet";
return 0;
There is nothing of that sort I think, but you can try this:
The easiest way is to try to connect to a known outside IP address.
If it fails in Windows, the connect function will return SOCKET_ERROR
, and WSAGetLastError
will usually return WSAEHOSTUNREACH
(meaning the packet couldn't be sent to the host).
In Linux, you'll get back a -1
, and errno will be ENETUNREACH
Some useful links:
1. Link for Windows Sockets
2. Link for Linux/Unix sockets
In addition to the InternetCheckConnection() function, The Win32 API has a function ( InternetGetConnectedState() ) which returns a true/false for (the availability of) some form of internet connectivity:
It also tells you what type of connection to the internet you have(LAN, modem, Proxy etc) - which can often be very handy to know.
There is actually a very smart way including code snip here.
It basically using the cmd option: While in CMD hit: route print
This will map routing table with an array and will look for as an available internet connection.
I used it with a while(true){//the code in here } //check for inet connection , else will sleep for 10 mins and check again
The following code will work, if you're on windows:
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
int main(){
if (system("ping")){
std::cout<<"\nNot connnected to the internet\n\n";
std::cout<<"\nConnected to the internet\n\n";
return 0;