The reason I'm asking is because IIS protects certain ASP.NET folders, like Bin, App_Data, App_Code, etc. Even if the URL does not map to an actual file system folder IIS rejects a URL with a path segment equal to one of the mentioned names.
This means I cannot have a route like this:
... where id can be any string e.g.
So, instead of disabling this security measure I'm willing to change the route, using a suffix before the id, like these:
{controller}/{action}_{id} // e.g. Catalog/Product_Bin
{controller}/{action}/_{id} // e.g. Catalog/Product/_Bin
But these routes won't work if the id contains the new delimeter, _ in this case, e.g.
// These URL won't work (I get 404 response)
Why? I don't know, looks like a bug to me. How can I make these routes work, where id can be any string?