Right code:
class MainActHandler(val weakActivity: WeakReference<Activity>): Handler() {
override fun handleMessage(msg: Message?) {
val trueAct = weakActivity.get() ?: return
if (msg?.what == ConversationMgr.MSG_WHAT_NEW_SENTENCE){
val sentence = msg.obj as String?
trueAct.conversation.text = sentence
cannot be resolved code:
class MainActHandler(weakActivity: WeakReference<Activity>): Handler() {
override fun handleMessage(msg: Message?) {
val trueAct = weakActivity.get() ?: return
if (msg?.what == ConversationMgr.MSG_WHAT_NEW_SENTENCE){
val sentence = msg.obj as String?
trueAct.conversation.text = sentence
cannot be resolved code screenshot
The only difference is the "val" has been deleted and cannot be resolve.
Which might be important is that it's a inner class.
This one class without "val/var" in constructor parameter is working:
class BookInfo(convrMgr: ConversationMgr, id: String, queue: RequestQueue, queueTag:String) {
val TAG = "BookInfo"
var title: String? = ""
init {
val url = "https://api.douban.com/v2/book/$id"
// Request a string response from the provided URL.
val stringRequest = StringRequest(Request.Method.GET, url,
Response.Listener<String> { response ->
Log.d(TAG + " Response", response.substring(0))
// Parse JSON from String value
val parser = Parser()
val jsonObj: JsonObject =
parser.parse(StringBuilder(response.substring(0))) as JsonObject
// Initial book title of book properties.
title = jsonObj.string("title")
Log.d(TAG + " Book title", title)
Response.ErrorListener { error -> Log.e(TAG + " Error", error.toString()) })
// Set the tag on the request.
stringRequest.tag = queueTag
// Add the request to the RequestQueue.
And if I add var/val before "queue: RequestQueue", I'll get suggestion:
"Constructor parameter is never used as a property less. This inspection reports primary constructor parameters that can have 'val' or 'var' removed. Unnecessary usage of 'val' and 'var' in primary constructor consumes unnecessary memory."
I am just confused about it.