i'm quite new to mongodb. i manage to get a basic idea of a simple sort based only 1 parameter. what if there are more than 2 sort parameters. for instance, in a database made up of woodworking projects that have attributes totalCuttingTime
and favorited
Is the following a correct mongoose/mongodb function to find a list of projects that have the least
totalCuttingTime and order in according to highest
favoriteCounts to lowest.
var ProjectModel= mongoose.model('Project', schema);
exports.getMinCuttingTime = function(number, callback){
var leastCutTimeResult = ProjectModel.find().sort({totalCuttingTime: 1}).select({_id: 1}).limit(number).exec(
function(err, projects) {
callback(null, projects)
var result = leastCutTimeResult.find().sort({favoriteCount: -1}).select({_id: 1}).limit(number).exec(
function(err, projects) {
callback(null, projects)
return result;