socket.set and socket.get - what is the

2019-01-26 04:18发布


I just want to attach some variables to my sockets, but I don't understand the .get and .set methods. They both have a third argument for a callback. Can this be omitted? What is it for?! Does the callback itself intherit arguments?

My best guess is that it's there for when isn't using memory store but is saving this stuff somewhere else and needs an error checking callback.

socket.on('set nickname', function (name) {
    socket.set('nickname', name, function (arguments) {

I'm using 0.9.x

The function is defined in socket.js

 * Stores data for the client.
 * @api public

Socket.prototype.set = function (key, value, fn) {, value, fn);
  return this;


set and get are asynchronous. The callback will be called when these operations are completed. You can omit it, or you can use it for whatever purpose you like, not just error handling.


The get and set functions on the socket object were removed in version 1.x. The proper way to store and retrieve values now is through properties on the socket object, like so:

socket.on('set nickname', function (name) {
  socket.nickname = name;

As seen on the example code from the official repo.