I have the following mapping to contain all of the colours from my theme:
$themes: (
ocean: (
base: $_base-ocean,
hover: darken($_base-ocean, $_base-hover)
I know how to use an @each
loop to get the key/value information from a mapping, but how can I directly access the value of a mapping without using a loop? I tried using square brackets like you would in other languages like JavaScript:
@each $name, $colors in $themes {
[data-page="home"] {
a.#{$name} {
background-color: $colors[base]; // <- line 21
But I get a syntax error instead:
error sass/test.scss (Line 21: Invalid CSS after "...d-color: $color": expected ";", was "[base];")
You have the use the map-get function. Sass does not provide a special syntax for accessing values of a mapping.
@each $name, $colors in $themes {
[data-page="home"] {
a.#{$name} {
background-color: map-get($colors, base);
Now you get the following output:
[data-page="home"] #slider-pagers a.ocean {
background-color: #0db0b8;
A good practice when using SassScript maps (not "source maps"; those are different) is to always quote the keys. For example:
$site-global: (
"ocean": (
"base": $_base-ocean,
"hover": darken($_base-ocean, $_base-hover)
In order to be compatible with CSS, Sass interprets some unquoted identifiers (including ocean
) as color names and translates them internally to color values. When emitting compressed output, Sass will try to produce the smallest possible representation of those colors, which in this case is a hex code. Quoting the keys makes it clear that they should always be strings and should always be emitted with their string values.
Fixed Issue 1 !
It was a case of doing another map-get within a map-get. Once done, I had to reference the default value (this being base). As long as all my default values had a base value this seems to work fine:
@each $theme-colour, $color in $site-global {
#slider-pagers a.#{$theme-colour}{
background-color:map-get(map-get($site-global, $theme-colour), base);
How it still fails to minify when this code:
Funny enough this code does not:
#slider-pagers a #{$theme-colour}{
#slider-pagers a#{$theme-colour}{
Thanks for responding, if anyone knows the is compiling issue that would be great.