I'm trying to embed a Java Applet using the <OBJECT> tag, which is the XHTML Strict way of doing it.
After browsing lots of sites, I tried this example which seems to work pretty well:
<!--[if !IE]> Firefox and others will use outer object -->
<object classid="java:Sample2.class"
height="300" width="450" >
<!-- Konqueror browser needs the following param -->
<param name="archive" value="Sample2.jar" />
<!-- MSIE (Microsoft Internet Explorer) will use inner object -->
<object classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93"
height="300" width="450" >
<param name="code" value="Sample2" />
<param name="archive" value="Sample2.jar" />
This browser does not have a Java Plug-in.
<br />
<a href="http://java.sun.com/products/plugin/downloads/index.html">
Get the latest Java Plug-in here.
<!--[if !IE]> close outer object -->
I downloaded that Sample2.jar and works perfectly on localhost.
Now, I replaced Sample2.class for the one I need to use (ar.uba.exactas.infovis.ivides.Scatterplot.class) and using my own JAR files (archive="piccolo.jar piccolox.jar netscape.jar scatterplot.jar"):
<!--[if !IE]> Firefox and others will use outer object -->
archive="piccolo.jar piccolox.jar netscape.jar scatterplot.jar"
height="300" width="450" >
<!-- Konqueror browser needs the following param -->
<param name="archive" value="piccolo.jar piccolox.jar netscape.jar scatterplot.jar" />
<!-- MSIE (Microsoft Internet Explorer) will use inner object -->
<object classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93"
height="300" width="450" >
<param name="code" value="ar.uba.exactas.infovis.ivides.Scatterplot" />
<param name="archive" value="piccolo.jar piccolox.jar netscape.jar scatterplot.jar" />
This browser does not have a Java Plug-in.
<br />
<a href="http://java.sun.com/products/plugin/downloads/index.html">
Get the latest Java Plug-in here.
<!--[if !IE]> close outer object -->
After doing so, I'm gettin this log dump:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ar.uba.exactas.infovis.ivides.Scatterplot.class
at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager.createApplet(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$AppletExecutionRunnable.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.io.IOException: open HTTP connection failed:http://localhost/infovisUBA/2008-2C/tpfinal/bin/ar/uba/exactas/infovis/ivides/Scatterplot/class.class
at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.access$000(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
... 7 more
Excepción: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ar.uba.exactas.infovis.ivides.Scatterplot.class
The only difference I see is that I'm using a class inside a package.
Also, please note I did make this work using the <APPLET> tag, but I cannot make it with <OBJECT>.
Any clue?