Best strategy for too many Elements in FireMoneky

2019-01-26 02:21发布


This question already has an answer here:

  • Create a customized Item Appearance for ListView Delphi XE7 1 answer

Believe me I did my homework before reaching out for help. I spent last 3 days searching and reading but I couldn't come to a solution. So any help will be highly appreciated.

My task is to have a ListView connected to a Dataset where the ListView Item is of the following structure:

Bear in mind that

  1. Elements 4, 6, & 8 are of fixed values & Color (i.e. labels)
  2. Colors of Elements 1 & 10 depends on values of Elements 5, 7, & 9

Best what I got is references to Delphi Standard Example that shifts with Embarcadero Delphi Examples directory: ListViewMultiDetailAppearance. This solution offers to create our own class for MutliDetailItemAppearance and register as many details as we need (in my case I need additional 8 I think).

Now my questions:

  1. Is this the best approach?
  2. if not, what is the better approach?
  3. if it is, how adding additional 8 details will affect the performance?
  4. and most important how to reach custom coloring for elements for each List View Item based on the values?
  5. and finally how to reach this sections borders? and List item bottom borders (the green line)?

Thank you very much for your thoughts in advance.


I am not sure that my way was correct, but I was using TListbox for alike purpose in my fmx project. The structure of its items was formed in the following way during filling from DataSource by LiveBindings.

procedure THMICD10Fr.LinkListControlToField1FillingListItem(Sender: TObject;
  const AEditor: IBindListEditorItem);
  if (Assigned(AEditor)) and (HDM2.FDQicd_detail_for_TreeView.Active) then
      if (AEditor.CurrentObject as TMetropolisUIListBoxItem).ChildrenCount = 2

        with TPanel.Create(AEditor.CurrentObject as TMetropolisUIListBoxItem) do
          Parent := (AEditor.CurrentObject as TMetropolisUIListBoxItem);
          Align := TAlignLayout.alRight;
          Width := 45;
          Margins.Bottom := 1;
          Margins.Top := 1;

        with TLabel.Create((AEditor.CurrentObject as TMetropolisUIListBoxItem)
          .Children.Items[2] as TPanel) do
          Parent := (AEditor.CurrentObject as TMetropolisUIListBoxItem)
            .Children.Items[2] as TPanel;
          Text := '↓';
          VertTextAlign := TTextAlign.taCenter;
          TextAlign := TTextAlign.taCenter;
          Align := TAlignLayout.alClient;
          HitTest := true;
          AutoSize := false;
          StyledSettings := StyledSettings - [TStyledSetting.ssStyle];
          Font.Style := Font.Style + [TFontStyle.fsBold];
          Tag := HDM2.FDQicd_detail_for_TreeView.FieldByName('id').AsInteger;
          TagString := HDM2.FDQicd_detail_for_TreeView.FieldByName
          OnClick := LabelInListBox1Click;



This code gave me the following appearence:

You can create and nest all necessary TLayouts, TLabels etc. inside the Item and set all the necessary settings using the logics from inside the LiveBindings event handler.