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Create a customized Item Appearance for ListView Delphi XE7
1 answer
Believe me I did my homework before reaching out for help. I spent last 3 days searching and reading but I couldn't come to a solution. So any help will be highly appreciated.
My task is to have a ListView connected to a Dataset where the ListView Item is of the following structure:
Bear in mind that
- Elements 4, 6, & 8 are of fixed values & Color (i.e. labels)
- Colors of Elements 1 & 10 depends on values of Elements 5, 7, & 9
Best what I got is references to Delphi Standard Example that shifts with Embarcadero Delphi Examples directory: ListViewMultiDetailAppearance.
This solution offers to create our own class for MutliDetailItemAppearance and register as many details as we need (in my case I need additional 8 I think).
Now my questions:
- Is this the best approach?
- if not, what is the better approach?
- if it is, how adding additional 8 details will affect the
- and most important how to reach custom coloring for elements for
each List View Item based on the values?
- and finally how to reach this sections borders? and List item bottom
borders (the green line)?
Thank you very much for your thoughts in advance.
I am not sure that my way was correct, but I was using TListbox for alike purpose in my fmx project. The structure of its items was formed in the following way during filling from DataSource
by LiveBindings
procedure THMICD10Fr.LinkListControlToField1FillingListItem(Sender: TObject;
const AEditor: IBindListEditorItem);
if (Assigned(AEditor)) and (HDM2.FDQicd_detail_for_TreeView.Active) then
if (AEditor.CurrentObject as TMetropolisUIListBoxItem).ChildrenCount = 2
with TPanel.Create(AEditor.CurrentObject as TMetropolisUIListBoxItem) do
Parent := (AEditor.CurrentObject as TMetropolisUIListBoxItem);
Align := TAlignLayout.alRight;
Width := 45;
Margins.Bottom := 1;
Margins.Top := 1;
with TLabel.Create((AEditor.CurrentObject as TMetropolisUIListBoxItem)
.Children.Items[2] as TPanel) do
Parent := (AEditor.CurrentObject as TMetropolisUIListBoxItem)
.Children.Items[2] as TPanel;
Text := '↓';
VertTextAlign := TTextAlign.taCenter;
TextAlign := TTextAlign.taCenter;
Align := TAlignLayout.alClient;
HitTest := true;
AutoSize := false;
StyledSettings := StyledSettings - [TStyledSetting.ssStyle];
Font.Style := Font.Style + [TFontStyle.fsBold];
Tag := HDM2.FDQicd_detail_for_TreeView.FieldByName('id').AsInteger;
TagString := HDM2.FDQicd_detail_for_TreeView.FieldByName
OnClick := LabelInListBox1Click;
This code gave me the following appearence:
You can create and nest all necessary TLayouts
, TLabels
etc. inside the Item and set all the necessary settings using the logics from inside the LiveBindings
event handler.