I am trying to add a column of predictions to a dataframe that has a list column that contains an lm model. I adopted some of the code from this post.
I have made a toy example here:
exampleTable <- data.frame(
ind = c(rep(1:5, 5)),
dep = rnorm(25),
groups = rep(LETTERS[1:5], each = 5)
) %>%
group_by(groups) %>%
nest(.key=the_data) %>%
mutate(model = the_data %>% map(~lm(dep ~ ind, data = .))) %>%
mutate(Pred = map2(model, the_data, predict))
exampleTable <- exampleTable %>%
that gives me a tibble that looks like this:
# A tibble: 5 × 6
groups the_data model Pred ind
<fctr> <list> <list> <list> <int>
1 A <tibble [5 × 2]> <S3: lm> <dbl [5]> 1
2 B <tibble [5 × 2]> <S3: lm> <dbl [5]> 2
3 C <tibble [5 × 2]> <S3: lm> <dbl [5]> 3
4 D <tibble [5 × 2]> <S3: lm> <dbl [5]> 4
5 E <tibble [5 × 2]> <S3: lm> <dbl [5]> 5
to get a predicted value using the lm model for a specific group I can use this:
predict(exampleTable[1,]$model[[1]], slice(exampleTable, 1) %>% select(ind))
which produces this result:
> predict(exampleTable[1,]$model[[1]], slice(exampleTable, 1) %>% select(ind))
I would like to have one new prediction for each group. I tried using purrr to get what I wanted:
exampleTable %>%
mutate(Prediction = map2(model, ind, predict))
but that gives the following error:
Error in mutate_impl(.data, dots) : object 'ind' not found
I was able to get the result I wanted with the following monstrosity:
exampleTable$Prediction <- NA
for(loop in seq_along(exampleTable$groups)){
lmod <- exampleTable[loop, ]$model[[1]]
obs <- filter(exampleTable, row_number()==loop) %>%
exampleTable[loop, ] $Prediction <- as.numeric(predict(lmod, obs))
that gives me a tibble that looks like this:
# A tibble: 5 × 6
groups the_data model Pred ind Prediction
<fctr> <list> <list> <list> <int> <dbl>
1 A <tibble [5 × 2]> <S3: lm> <dbl [5]> 1 -0.4822045
2 B <tibble [5 × 2]> <S3: lm> <dbl [5]> 2 -0.1357712
3 C <tibble [5 × 2]> <S3: lm> <dbl [5]> 3 -0.2455760
4 D <tibble [5 × 2]> <S3: lm> <dbl [5]> 4 0.4818425
5 E <tibble [5 × 2]> <S3: lm> <dbl [5]> 5 -0.3473236
There must be a way to do this in a 'tidy' way, but I just cant crack it.