Here scenario is program reads output properly and it is also printing properly in the log file but when displying same output on JAVAFX text area its format is getting changed(Its in tabular format) and its not displaying properly. Below is the output getting written in log file:
****************PR Deploy Summary Report Start****************
Folder Server Type Failed
010_StyleSheets SS 0
010_StyleSheets WS 0
020_XSL SS 0
030_XSLT SS 0
040_WebTemplates SS 0
****************PR Deploy Summary Report****************
Actually when i am copying this from text area and pasting it somewhere else then its agian showing it properly in tabular format.But its not displaying it properly on text area. There is very simple code written for this as below:
Here "actLogTArea" is the reference of text area, summary is StringBuilder ...can anybody guess what can be the issue here? any solution if somebody has already faced this? it may be possible that image i have placed in question is not visible.