I am struggling to get an HTTP Adapter request to a protected rss feed to execute properly. I have read a ton of IBM's documentation, as well as chasing dead links to moved or "under maintenance" IBM pages. Unfortunately, none of the examples I have found show how to authorize this request.
For the sake of this example, I am trying to access an rss feed from the Connections installation in the IBM Greenhouse Environment.
Adapter XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<wl:adapter name="exampleAdapter"
<connectionPolicy xsi:type="http:HTTPConnectionPolicyType">
<loadConstraints maxConcurrentConnectionsPerNode="2" />
<procedure name="getFeed" connectAs="server"/>
Adapter .js:
function getFeed() {
var input = {
method : 'get',
returnedContentType : 'xml',
path : 'connections/opensocial/basic/rest/activitystreams/@me/@all/@all? rollup=true&format=atom'
return WL.Server.invokeHttp(input);
How can I pass the credentials required to access this feed?