QVariant's Visitor pattern (without manual typ

2019-01-26 00:43发布


Does Qt's QVariant class has any existing (and convenient) Visitor pattern implementation?

If not, is it possible to achieve something similar to boost::apply_visitor(), i.e. minimize the the duplication in regard to testing the type and casting?

I want to achieve something along the following lines:

/* I have a QVariant that can contain anything, including user types */
QVariant variant;    

/* But in my Visitor I'm interested only in ints and QStrings (for the sake of the example) */
struct Visitor
   void operator()(int i) { /* do something with int */ } 
   void operator()(QString s) { /* ...or QString */ }

/* The question is: */
/* Can this be implemented in a generic way (without resorting to particular template parameters)? */
template <typename VisitorT>
void visit(QVariant variant, VisitorT visitor)
   if (variant.canConvert<int>()) {
   } else if (variant.canConvert<QString>()) {
   } /* and so on (if needed for other types)... */

/* So that later I can use it like that */
visit(variant, Visitor());

Edit 1: QVariant::canConvert<T>() may not be the best solution above, but the point is: can the type mapping (between QMetaType and typename T) be achieved automatically?

Edit 2: "Visitor functor" or "Visitor function" doesn't really matter for me. What matters is I want to avoid testing the type and casting (if at all possible).


Introspectable Visitor

You could leverage the introspection information generated by moc. Declare your visitor to be Q_GADGET. This adds a single static staticMetaObject member to the visitor, containing the information about the invokable methods there.

// https://github.com/KubaO/stackoverflown/tree/master/questions/variant-convert-38071414
#include <QtCore>

struct Foo {
   int a;
   Foo() = default;
   explicit Foo(int a) : a(a) {}
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const Foo & f) {
   return debug << f.a;

struct Visitor
   Q_INVOKABLE void visit(int i) { qDebug() << "got int" << i; }
   Q_INVOKABLE void visit(const QString & s) { qDebug() << "got string" << s; }
   Q_INVOKABLE void visit(const Foo & f) { qDebug() << "got foo" << f; }

Qt has all the information necessary to pass opaque types around as arguments to invokable methods:

template <typename V>
bool visit(const QVariant & variant, const V & visitor) {
   auto & metaObject = V::staticMetaObject;
   for (int i = 0; i < metaObject.methodCount(); ++i) {
      auto method = metaObject.method(i);
      if (method.parameterCount() != 1)
      auto arg0Type = method.parameterType(0);
      if (variant.type() != (QVariant::Type)arg0Type)
      QGenericArgument arg0{variant.typeName(), variant.constData()};
      if (method.invokeOnGadget((void*)&visitor, arg0))
         return true;
   return false;

Perhaps this is then what you were after:

int main() {
   visit(QVariant{1}, Visitor{});
   visit(QVariant{QStringLiteral("foo")}, Visitor{});
   visit(QVariant::fromValue(Foo{10}), Visitor{});

#include "main.moc"

This concludes the example.

Non-Introspectable Visitor

You can factor out the conversion to a type and conditional code execution:

void visitor(const QVariant & val) {
   withConversion(val, [](int v){
      qDebug() << "got an int" << v;
   || withConversion(val, [](const QString & s){
      qDebug() << "got a string" << s;

int main() {

The withConversion function deduces the argument type of the callable and invokes the callable if the variant is of the matching type:

#include <QtCore>
#include <type_traits>

template <typename T>
struct func_traits : public func_traits<decltype(&T::operator())> {};

template <typename C, typename Ret, typename... Args>
struct func_traits<Ret(C::*)(Args...) const> {
   using result_type = Ret;
   template <std::size_t i>
   struct arg {
      using type = typename std::tuple_element<i, std::tuple<Args...>>::type;

template <typename F> bool withConversion(const QVariant & val, F && fun) {
   using traits = func_traits<typename std::decay<F>::type>;
   using arg0_t = typename std::decay<typename traits::template arg<0>::type>::type;
   if (val.type() == (QVariant::Type)qMetaTypeId<arg0_t>()) {
      return true;
   return false;

See this question for more about argument type deduction in callables.