I'm wondering if anyone knows of a way to measure string similarity in BigQuery.
Seems like would be a neat function to have.
My case is i need to compare the similarity of two urls as want to be fairly sure they refer to the same article.
I can find examples using javascript so maybe a UDF is the way to go but i've not used UDF's at all (or javascript for that matter :) )
Just wondering if there may be a way using existing regex functions or if anyone might be able to get me started with porting the javascript example into a UDF.
Any help much appreciated, thanks
EDIT: Adding some example code
So if i have a UDF defined as:
// distance function
function levenshteinDistance (row, emit) {
//if (row.inputA.length <= 0 ) {var myresult = row.inputB.length};
if (typeof row.inputA === 'undefined') {var myresult = 1};
if (typeof row.inputB === 'undefined') {var myresult = 1};
//if (row.inputB.length <= 0 ) {var myresult = row.inputA.length};
var myresult = Math.min(
levenshteinDistance(row.inputA.substr(1), row.inputB) + 1,
levenshteinDistance(row.inputB.substr(1), row.inputA) + 1,
levenshteinDistance(row.inputA.substr(1), row.inputB.substr(1)) + (row.inputA[0] !== row.inputB[0] ? 1 : 0)
) + 1;
emit({outputA: myresult})
'levenshteinDistance', // Name of the function exported to SQL
['inputA', 'inputB'], // Names of input columns
[{'name': 'outputA', 'type': 'integer'}], // Output schema
levenshteinDistance // Reference to JavaScript UDF
// make a test function to test individual parts
function test(row, emit) {
if (row.inputA.length <= 0) { var x = row.inputB.length} else { var x = row.inputA.length};
emit({outputA: x});
'test', // Name of the function exported to SQL
['inputA', 'inputB'], // Names of input columns
[{'name': 'outputA', 'type': 'integer'}], // Output schema
test // Reference to JavaScript UDF
Any i try test with a query such as:
SELECT outputA FROM (levenshteinDistance(SELECT "abc" AS inputA, "abd" AS inputB))
I get error:
Error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'substr' of undefined at line 11, columns 38-39 Error Location: User-defined function
It seems like maybe row.inputA is not a string perhaps or for some reason string functions not able to work on it. Not sure if this is a type issue or something funny about what utils the UDF is able to use by default.
Again any help much appreciated, thanks.