I have an EC2 instance and an S3 bucket in the same region. The bucket contains reasonably large (5-20mb) files that are used regularly by my EC2 instance.
I want to programatically open the file on my EC2 instance (using python). Like so:
file_from_s3 = open('http://s3.amazonaws.com/my-bucket-name/my-file-name')
But using a "http" URL to access the file remotely seems grossly inefficient, surely this would mean downloading the file to the server every time I want to use it.
What I want to know is, is there a way I can access S3 files locally from my EC2 instance, for example:
file_from_s3 = open('s3://my-bucket-name/my-file-name')
I can't find a solution myself, any help would be appreciated, thank you.