I'm trying to let the user login with Google+. I have created the project in the Google developer console, I got the Client ID and I have installed the Google play services in Android Studio. (My running device has Android 4.4.2) When the app is running and I press the login button a toast message appears: "Internal Error"
The error in the Logcat is the following:
error ConnectionResult{statusCode=SIGN_IN_REQUIRED, resolution=PendingIntent{429ffe38: android.os.BinderProxy@429ffdd8}}
Notice that this error appears before that the user has pressed the button, in fact, through debugging, I figured out it comes from this line code:
Log.e(TAG, "error " + result.toString());
which is in the method:
public void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult result) {
if (!mGoogleIntentInProgress) {
/* Store the ConnectionResult so that we can use it later when the user clicks on the Google+ login button */
mGoogleConnectionResult = result;
if (mGoogleLoginClicked) {
/* The user has already clicked login so we attempt to resolve all errors until the user is signed in,
* or they cancel. */
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "error " + result.toString());
Here the other important methods:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
SignInButton googleLoginButton = (SignInButton) findViewById(R.id.login_with_google);
googleLoginButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
mGoogleLoginClicked = true;
if (!mGoogleApiClient.isConnecting()) {
if (mGoogleConnectionResult != null) {
} else if (mGoogleApiClient.isConnected()) {
} else {
/* connect API now */
Log.d(TAG, "Trying to connect to Google API");
/* Setup the Google API object to allow Google+ logins */
mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)
private void resolveSignInError() {
if (mGoogleConnectionResult.hasResolution()) {
try {
mGoogleIntentInProgress = true;
mGoogleConnectionResult.startResolutionForResult(this, RC_GOOGLE_LOGIN);
} catch (IntentSender.SendIntentException e) {
// The intent was canceled before it was sent. Return to the default
// state and attempt to connect to get an updated ConnectionResult.
mGoogleIntentInProgress = false;
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if (requestCode == RC_GOOGLE_LOGIN) {
/* This was a request by the Google API */
if (resultCode != RESULT_OK) {
mGoogleLoginClicked = false;
mGoogleIntentInProgress = false;
if (!mGoogleApiClient.isConnecting()) {
Here the code in the AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
And the meta-data
android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />
Hope you can help me, thanks a lot!