I have trouble with getting a Value from a Cell in my Spreadsheet. I found the getCell()-method in the documentation but it does not work. It always just gets "Range" instead of the Value. (it is a integer btw.) And I don't find a setCell()-method ! o.O The Value is in the cell B:1 Thx for any help!!1 :)
var API_KEY = "***",
PROFILE_ID = "****";
GET_PLUS_ONES_URI = "https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/"+PROFILE_ID+"?fields=plusOneCount&key="+API_KEY;
var currentPlusOnes = 0,
lastPlusOnes = 0,
ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
function execute() {
if ( currentPlusOnes !== getLastPlusOnes ) {
function getCurrentPlusOnes() {
currentPlusOnes = JSON.parse( UrlFetchApp.fetch( GET_PLUS_ONES_URI )).plusOneCount;
function getLastPlusOnes() {
lastPlusOnes = ss.getRange("B1").getCell( 1, 1 ); // --> Allways just "Range" instead of the value
function setCurrentValue() {
ss.getDataRange().setValue( currentPlusOnes );